It's about half way thru our 2022/2023 scouting season and you are wondering what I should be doing for my scouting adventure....
Well, here are a few ideas:
*Take a few minutes to review your scout handbook.
"What do I need to do for my next advancement?"
"Are my service hours, hiking and camping logs up to date?"
"Plan ahead for the next few meetings."
*Log onto the Troop website and add some content.
"Pictures from Troop 184 events, hikes or Eagle Projects."
"Post a recipe for camp out cooking."
"Post helpful tips you found online for scouting events."
*Help plan a Troop 184 event or program.
"Got and Idea for a fun game or program?!? See Sebastian, Michael or Colin!"
"Want to help with the Holiday Party, Father/Son or another event. See an adult leader."
"Have a passion? Organize an event: Bingo with the Seniors, Blood Drive, etc."
Need help with getting started? Talk to Mom and Dad. Talk to another scout. Talk to an adult leader. Then take action to make your ideas a reality.
Remember, Troop 184 is a scout run troop. Bring your ideas, your passions and your sense of adventure. Make your scouting journey memorable!